
Throughout her time as a practising lawyer, governments and civil society institutions have called upon Mary to provide independent expert policy advice on systemic justice issues, including pay and employment equity, human rights reform, dispute resolution, accessibility for persons with disabilities, building an equitable labour market and engendering occupational health and safety.

The Ontario Government called on Mary to chair its 1992 Ontario Human Rights Code Review Task Force whose report, Achieving Equality was the basis for Ontario’s 2006 reforms to its human rights system.  The Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators called on Mary in 1994 to chair its Service Equity Committee whose report Towards Service Equity was used as the basis for SOAR’s adoption of its 1996 Service Equity Policy which continues to apply to SOAR members to this day. Canadian governments, including the Ontario, Federal and Yukon governments as well as Ontario and federal legislatures have called on Mary to provide expert advice and testimony on justice and equity issues. Internationally, the International Labour Organization, World Bank, European Economic Community, Inter Parliamentary Union, New Zealand and Swedish governments  have all called on Mary to provide independent and expert policy advice and recommendations on justice and equity issues.

As a practising scholar, Mary has also brought to her work and writings the critical mind of an academic approach based on data and research. The non-partisan Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives appointed Mary one of its Research Associates and calls on her to provide research reports on equity and labour market issues. Mary is frequently called upon by law schools and legal institutions in Canada and around the world to lecture on justice and equity issues.

Mary is both an independent expert and a human rights champion. There is no contradiction between these two objectives. Working to secure human rights justice and equity is not only the law but also a basic obligation of those who live in society.

With her retirement from Cavalluzzo, LLP and as Chair of the Equal Pay Coalition,  Mary is now focused on her independent expert work.